The booklets which I lost after the camp :'(
Now I'll talk a bit about the games we played.
This was like a morse-code sort of game. The stationer blew the whistle in long or short intervals and we listened and tried to encode the long or short blasts into alphabets according the paper (with alphabets and their morse code equivalents) given by the organizer.

#Bringiton & #imserious + #don'tdisturbme face!
Do you see the face of my group member standing at my right hand side? Yea. When the stationer (the green colored shirt girl) finished blowing the whistle, we were like "HUH?! FINISH D AH"
And you see, the guy started grasping his hair.

After we managed to find out the whole word (eg: power), we passed to the other group of people and they would find the letters (eg: p, o, w, e & r) and complete the word.
The next station was to build a shelter using the cupboards given.

Should give this member a big applause! He played his role as a'cow' in one of the game and he worked really hard on it!

Went to Museum Melawati to count down with all the campers around Malaysia. *was really excited*

The decorations along the doorway.

*Not my hand* It was like the entrance ticket into the stadium.
Cool right? Like we were about to enter a concert!

O.M.G. Lee Hom!!!

Never had a chance to see so many Malaysians until I joined 30-Hour Famine! It's good to see so many youngsters chose to join this camp during their weekends! I'm not sure if Lee Hom was one of the factor though... lol

Finally! 30 hours have passed! It was time to break fast!! Although the organizer provided only soya drinks and a Massimo jagung roti for us, I really felt the roti and the soya drink were extremely tastier than ever. PS: I used to hate soya in my entire life. Ironic isn't? 30-Hour Famine camp actually taught me to appreciate
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