Finally I'm going to continue blogging... Imma the laziest blogger in the world. Anyway, Halong Bay is definitely a wonderful place to pay a visit but my mom said: "Aiya China so big got many places also same like Halong Bay la.", which I had to admit, it's true. It's wonderful but not magnificent because there was always: SMOG, SMOG EVERYWHERE. First disappointment. Oh, wait. Why did I mention 'first' appointment's Because there was another two more disappointments.
Once we had arrived at the port (yes, after 4 hours of bumpy and rotten roads), we were "welcomed" by A LOT OF VIETNAMESE because that day was their public holiday so local people all coming out for trips. We tourists didn't even have a place to stand. ZOMG. Not relaxing and peace at all. Second appointment. .
We were told by the tour guide that we couldn't overnight on the boat because of strong wind. We had to get back before 6pm. Dafuq. We paid 105USD per person, including 4 meals, a night on the boat, a few activities and site seeing and now he was telling us that we had to paid for 45USD per person for a lunch, exploring a cave and kayaking?! WHY SO EXPENSIVE? I was thinking: Damn! Why Bad things always happen on me! Btw the thunder on that night was really scarry. It never stopped for almost 2 hours+. And guess what time we back to our hotel? Almost 1am!!
Overall, despite its natural nice view, Halong Bay is a low maintain, crowded, noisy and dirty place. A place I wouldn't miss when I get back. The boats aren't look like they were shown online. 90% of the boats are old and dirty. I didn't get what I was expected, so I was quite pissed actually. But since now I'm back to Malaysia for 2 weeks+ already so I should just stop complaining.
Okay. Only photos, no more talking.

See, so smog-ish.
I don't have a sunglasses so I put on my glasses. hahaha.
My mom elder sister.
I don't know what is so special about this 2 rocks that look like fighting cocks.
Every boat must purposely pass through these two rocks for the tourists to take photos.

I taught her to pose like this one HAHA
At this point, we were about to finish our lunch already so it was time to explore the cave named "Paradise".
Ok. The boat needed parking first.

Me! Gonna do some tourist posts right! hahaha

The entrance of the Paradise Cave. Such a big commercial board standing over there.

While the entrance fee is only 4USD. THEN WE HAD TO PAY 45USD?!

The cave was dark. Very dark and SUPER CROWDED WITH VIETNAMESE so we had to march through the cave with others by taking one small step at a time and being constantly pushed by the person behind me. The cave itself was pretty impressive but due to too many visitors, it became wet and smelly (like the smell of sweats).
So... The best part of the cave was this so-called heaven's light.

As you can see here, many boats stopping / parking at here..

Maybe this photo shows a clearer picture of how many people was there actually.
Even boats all also crowded together!

Just another photo.
Just a normal photo with sunlight. Hahaha.
Me, Looking weird here.
Mommy Sissy looks so young here <3